Welcome to CNA Training Schools Certification!

Congratulations if you have decided to start your career as a nursing assistant!

You are entering a field that is in high demand, so your chances of getting a job and becoming a certified nursing assistant are more than excellent!

CNA training requirements vary from state to state. Please be sure to check those information carefully so you can quickly get started.

CNA Certification, Classes, Schools and Jobs in Georgia

With its rich history, booming population, and beautiful weather, Georgia is an excellent place to begin a CNA career. There are over 60 Board-accredited CNA training programs in the State of Georgia, which are offered through nursing homes, community colleges, and universities. In order to gain entry into any of the CNA schools in Georgia, applicants must be at least 18 years of age, possess a high school diploma or its equivalent, be in good physical health, and have no criminal record.

CNA programs offered through community colleges and universities take a more traditional approach toward education, providing their students with a curriculum that blends hands-on practice with classes in nursing and the liberal arts and sciences. A typical core curriculum for a traditional CNA program may include classes in biology, organic chemistry, psychology, medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, maternal care, and gerontology.

CNA programs offered through nursing homes, home care agencies, and private schools typically do not include instruction in the liberal arts. Instead, these programs choose to take a more career-focused approach, allowing students to focus on building their caregiving skills. Students who earn their certificates through these programs spend six months to two years taking classes in anatomy, physiology, gerontology, and psychology.

Through either online or campus based programs, aspiring C.N.A.s in Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus and Savannah, Georgia may be able to prepare themselves for the possibility of employment in some of the largest hospitals and healthcare facilities in the state including the Anchor Hospital, Grady Memorial Hospital, St Joseph's Hospital and Columbus Regional Hospital.

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