Welcome to CNA Training Schools Certification!

Congratulations if you have decided to start your career as a nursing assistant!

You are entering a field that is in high demand, so your chances of getting a job and becoming a certified nursing assistant are more than excellent!

CNA training requirements vary from state to state. Please be sure to check those information carefully so you can quickly get started.

CNA Certification, Classes, Schools and Jobs in Utah

The CNA classes in Utah are certified by the Utah Nurse Aide Registry (UNAR) which trains them to work effectively in the healthcare industry and offer quality services to the patients. The program follow OBRA-87 guidelines to provide minimum 80 hours training of which around 16 hours are clinical practice.

To become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) you first need to find the right CNA programs in Utah. You may enroll classes at a college or a small center that is certified specifically for CNA training. You will undergo with an 80 hours of classroom and clinical training. Classroom training is similar to most of the other classes. You will be provided with textbooks, workbooks, instructional DVD’s, and practice exams. During clinical training, you will go to pre-selected facilities where dedicated LPN’s are present to work with you. These courses  may cover from 3 to 6 weeks to complete and have an estimated cost of $250 to $1000.

After successful completion of the CNA programs, students are able to bathe, dress, transfer, feed and clean patients. Also, CNAs document vital stats. In UT training is valid for just one year before which candidates must complete testing. The exam fee in the state is $70. The exam is conducted in two parts; written and skills test.
The program may cost you just around $400 to $700 excluding state certification fee.

Eligibility for Enrollment

The candidates are required to hold:
  • valid driver’s license
  • state id card
  • US passport
For some programs you must be a high school graduate in addition to having a clean criminal background.

Course Structure

The UNAR has set following program structure:
  • Infection control and universal precautions
  • Safety
  • Residents’ rights
  • Communication
  • Recognizing and reporting changes
  • Listing following parameters; blood pressure, temperature, radial or apical pulse and respiratory rate.
The course may include additional certifications like CPR and phlebotomy.

CNA Schools in Utah

Here is the list of some Utah Nurse Aide Registry programs in the state:
  1. Cole Holland Training Center- Salt Lake city
  2. Dixie College- Kaysville
  3. Eagle Gate College- Salt Lake city
  4. Mohave Community College- Colorado city AZ
  5. Nursing Education Center- Bountiful
  6. Provo College- Provo
  7. Salt Lake Community College- Salt Lake city
  8. Snow College- Richfield
  9. Stevens-Henager College- Logan
  10. Weber State University- Ogden
Programs for only high school students:
  1. Bonneville High School- South Ogden
  2. Fremont High School- Plain city
  3. Murray High School- Murray
  4. Weber High School- Pleasant View
  5. Granite Technical Institute- West Jordan

CNA Salary in Utah

CNA’s average salary in Utah is $27,000 per year depending upon level of experience and area of work.

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