Welcome to CNA Training Schools Certification!

Congratulations if you have decided to start your career as a nursing assistant!

You are entering a field that is in high demand, so your chances of getting a job and becoming a certified nursing assistant are more than excellent!

CNA training requirements vary from state to state. Please be sure to check those information carefully so you can quickly get started.

CNA Certification, Classes, Schools and Jobs in Indiana

If you are planning to make your career in Nursing care field and if your permanent home is in Indiana then, you can apply to CNA training programs offered by numerous schools, colleges, vocational and community colleges, adult home units and numerous other health care facilities.

Many Indiana CNA schools provide federal and state approved 75 hours theoretical classes and 30 hours of clinical trainings. The learning in Indiana schools include, read chart notes, check and report blood pressures, respiration, pulses and temperature of the patient, basic nursing skills, personal care skills, emergency preparedness and response, and assisting nurses during treatments. They are also instructed on medical procedures and emergencies, infection control, caring for and comforting patients when death is imminent, interaction with mentally retarded and old age patients, communication skills, and so on.

The completion of training program offers a student chance to sit for the Certification test, which consist of written and skill test and working in long term care units, as most of the CNA graduates in Indiana are working in long term care facilities.

The Indiana State Department of Health – Division of Long Term Care regulates and administers nurse aide training programs offered by schools and colleges. The certification test is administered by Ivy Tech Community College (317-917-5948) in partnership with The Indiana State Department of Health – Division of Long Term Care.

The basic tuition fee charged by these schools for CNA training comes around $400 to & $700 depending on schools and colleges from where you are obtaining CNA trainings. If you are financially poor, you can avail numerous states, federal, private agency and other social organizations free financial aids, such as grants, scholarships and tuition fees reimbursements.

Again, if you are working some place or have family commitments and can not spare enough time for campus based training programs, you can easily opt for online training programs, which offers you flexible timings, as these coaching are open 24 x 7 days round the clock.

Here are some of CNA Schools in Indiana offering CNA classes.

Indiana University Northwest- The continuing education department of Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Indiana offers the CNA training program to students. The CNA training program here is a 3 week course which takes place off campus. The CNA training program comprises of 105 hours. The course consist of 30-32 hours of training which spreads over a 5 day period in the classroom. In addition, students are also required to spend 75-80 hours of time in clinical experience over a 2 week period. 

During the CNA training course, students learn and practice carious nursing skills such as measuring vital signs, assisting the patients as well as managing first aid. After the completion of the course, the students can appear the CNA certification examination of the Indiana State.

Contact Information:

Address: 3400 Broadway, Gary, IN 46408

Phone: (219) 980-6500

Purdue University Calumet- The Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, Indiana offers CNA training classes to students who meet the basic requirements of the CNA training class. The CNA class at Purdue University Calumet consists of 30 hours of theory classes, involving basic knowledge of nursing followed by 75 hours of practical clinical classes at any healthcare facility.

Throughout the CNA training course, the CNA trainees learn to assist patients in their daily healthcare activities such as maintaining their hygiene. They are also trained with the basic nursing knowledge and skills that can be applied in a healthcare facility. After completing the CNA training class, the students can appear the CNA certification examination of the Indiana State.

Contact Information:

Address: 2200 169th St., Hammond, IN 46323

Phone: (219) 989-2400

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