Welcome to CNA Training Schools Certification!

Congratulations if you have decided to start your career as a nursing assistant!

You are entering a field that is in high demand, so your chances of getting a job and becoming a certified nursing assistant are more than excellent!

CNA training requirements vary from state to state. Please be sure to check those information carefully so you can quickly get started.

CNA Training and Certification in Montana

Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) training programs in Montana are offered through long term care facilities, vendors, schools, hospitals and related organizations that have been approved by the Montana State Survey and Certification Agency (SA). SA terms these programs Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Programs (NATCEP). The first step to becoming a CNA in Montana is to complete one of the state approved CNA programs. A list of CNA programs in Montana can be found below.

Nurse Aide Training in Montana

Nurse Aide training programs in Montana needs to have a minimum of 75 clock hours, of which the classroom instruction hours is about 45 to 50 hours and a minimum of 25 hours will be in clinical training. Clinical hours are taught under the direct supervision of a certified and licensed nurse instructor. The state states that a minimum of 16 hours be spent covering the subjects of infection control, safety and emergency procedures, respecting patient rights, basic nursing skills, taking and recording temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure, measuring height and weight, recognizing the physical and emotional changes of aging, palliative nursing care and some additional related subjects.

Additional skills and knowledge is expected to receive during the training including CPR, working on patients having cognitive impairments, how to meet the mental, physical and psychological desire of patients as well as written and oral communication.

CNA Training Schools in Montana

Directionals Inc. - Healthy Relations 1215 11th Ave MT 59601 http://healthyrelationsinc.com
John Hopkins University School of Nursing http://www.nursing.jhu.edu
US Army 222 East Lyndale Ave MT 59601 http://www.goarmy.com
Angel Academy Daycare 577 Maple Drive MT 59901

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