Welcome to CNA Training Schools Certification!

Congratulations if you have decided to start your career as a nursing assistant!

You are entering a field that is in high demand, so your chances of getting a job and becoming a certified nursing assistant are more than excellent!

CNA training requirements vary from state to state. Please be sure to check those information carefully so you can quickly get started.

CNA Training and Certification in Mississippi

If you are considering a career as a CNA in Mississippi it is important to note that the average annual salary is about $19,000. Of course, there are opportunities to earn a higher income. If you want to enter into a career as a CNA, you will need to attend a training course (that has been accredited by the state) and pass the exam for certification of nursing assistants. You could also apply for cna certification through reciprocity if you already have certification in another state. Mississippi will determine whether or not they will recognize your certification from that state.

If your application for reciprocity is not approved, you will need to take the certification exam for the state of Mississippi before working as a CNA. Do not be surprised if your application for reciprocity is not accepted. If you are a first-time CNA student who has just completed training, you will need to sit for the certification test as well. Some states allow individuals to repeat the test multiple times, but Mississippi does not. If you do not pass both portions of the test, you will need to attend training again to ensure you are fully prepared for a career as a certified nursing assistant.

CNA Training Schools in Mississippi

John Hopkins University School of Nursing http://www.nursing.jhu.edu
University of Southern Mississippi School 910 Highway 19 N MS 39307
CNA Training 40100 Highway 82 MS 38941
University of Southern Mississippi 1501 45th Ave MS 39501
Mississippi University-Women MS 38801
LoMar Medical Training Institute 627 W Park Ave MS 38930
Hurst Review Svc 111 S Railroad Ave MS 39601 http://hurstreview.com

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